My Story as captured by UnikBlends

My Story as captured by UnikBlends

  Veena….Transformer and Change Maker I met this incredible lady at UnikBlends Women4Women event where Helga shared her profound story, Part I & Part II. Our paths crossed again at The Hague Garba Night, where she was promoting sweetly scented soaps and...
Cover Story – Be the STAR of your relocation

Cover Story – Be the STAR of your relocation

My First Cover Story for Access Magazine. As an accompanying partner for the last 8 years, this article gave me the opportunity to share the experience and voices of many friends. Thank you Access team for the support and opportunity. You can read the article via the...
Recognizing the need for Change is the first step…

Recognizing the need for Change is the first step…

Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.- Arthur Brut. Transformation and change you would hear are inevitable and the norm of life. But most times people just do not see the need for change or transformation directly. There...